What We Do

If you own a company, Cellular Billing Consultants is the right choice for managing your cellular costs. Typically, we save our clients from 20% to 60% on their wireless bills whether they’re a small family business or a Fortune 500 firm.

The first step in controlling costs is the initial audit performed by CBC. We review the last three cellular invoices from your carrier(s). We look for outdated cellular and data plans, billing errors, excess inventory and unnecessary charges.

After our analysis we’ll make our recommendations. Then, with your approval, we’ll negotiate with your carrier(s) to implement the cost saving changes without sacrificing services.

CBC will also provide you with a monthly management report presented in an easy-to-read spreadsheet format that can be shared via e-mail with each department head for review.

We’ll then share with you in the savings, as realized on your bills, 50/50 for three months. That’s it, no up front costs, nothing out of pocket. It’s a win-win.

Some Examples of Client’s Savings:

Company A

Number of Units: 148

Initial Cost Per Unit: $123.04

CPU After Audit: $75.91

Monthly Savings: $6,975.24

Company B

Number of Units: 28

Initial Cost Per Unit: $187.13

CPU After Audit: $28.19

Monthly Savings: $4,450.32

Company C

Number of Units: 73

Initial Cost Per Unit: $75.88

CPU After Audit: $32.39

Monthly Savings: $3,174.44

Some Industries We Work With:

Experience Counts…






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